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Paul Philip – Chief Executive of the SRA will be speaking at the Bond Solon Expert Witness Conference
  • Jul 11, 2024
  • Latest Journal

Paul Philip – Chief Executive of the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) – will be speaking at the Bond Solon Expert Witness Conference on Friday 8 November 2024.

Paul has stated: “Solicitors have an overriding duty to uphold the rule of law and the administration of justice. So any pressure being brought to bear to influence witnesses to act in a particular way beyond their competence or give unduly favourable opinions unsupported by evidence are the type of things we are very interested in as a regulator.”

Attend this session to hear Paul explain the role of the SRA, the code of conduct and SRA guidance for solicitors, particularly in relation to litigation, and for an understanding of what to do in situations where you face issues of unethical conduct with instructing solicitors.

Sam Townsend KC, the Chair of the Bar - the working relationship between barristers and experts, including common issues and how to deal with them.
Annual legal update – covers the key changes concerning experts over the past twelve months.
Debate: Experts are from Mars and Solicitors from Venus. Can their relationship ever be harmonious? – a top solicitor and a leading expert witness will exchange their views.
Parallel sessions – tailor your conference experience by selecting from a medico-legal, commercial, criminal or family parallel session.

To view the full programme and details of other top speakers, please visit the conference website.

The conference is the leading industry event for the UK’s expert witness community - over 700 experts attended last year. It is an invaluable opportunity to keep up-to-date with what is happening on the expert witness landscape and to network with fellow experts and organisations that provide essential services to support your practice. The conference counts as 6 CPD/CME hours.

If you haven’t done so already, we invite you to view the highlights from the 2023 conference.

You have the option to attend in-person at our Westminster venue or to join the conference remotely. The cost for in-person is £315 + VAT and for virtual it’s £285 + VAT. We also offer a corporate discount where five delegates can attend for the price of four. If you wish to take advantage of this offer, please contact a member of the Bond Solon team on 020 7549 2549 or

