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Complimentary invitation for an upcoming webinar held on Wednesday 10th July at 6pm.
  • Jul 9, 2024
  • Latest News

Matthias Radatz alongside his colleagues Mr Patrick Grover, Prof Rustam Al-Shahi Salman and Mr Neil Kitchen, we will be discussing the current cavernoma management approaches and the results of The CARE trial. The patient representative from Cavernoma Alliance UK will also join them to present the patient perspective and experience.

I hope you will be able to join them for the complimentary CPD accredited session.
Please click here to register

Live Webinar lead by:
Mr Patrick Grove
Consultant Neurosurgeon at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and QSRC

Prof Rustam Al Shahi Salman
Professor of Clinical Neurology, The University of Edinburgh

Mr Matthias Radatz
Consultant Neurosurgeon at Sheffield Teaching NHS Hospital and Clinical Director of the Thornbury Radiosurgery Centre

Mr Neil Kitchen
Consultant Neurosurgeon at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and Medical Director of Queen Square Radiosurgery Centre

Cavernoma Alliance UK
A patient perspective representative