I have twenty-five years’ experience in providing medico-legal assessments and reports. I have experience in preparing reports for both clinical negligence and personal injury cases. I have seen over 5,000 clients for assessment of personal injury as an expert witness.
My claimant: defendant ratios for clinical negligence are the following: 40% defendant instructions and 60% claimant instructions. I have extensive experience in providing reports for cases of clinical negligence, including regularly preparing reports and providing evidence at Fitness to Practice Hearings.
Bond Solon courses on Report Writing and Court Appearance as an Expert Witness and have passed the Cardiff University Expert Witness Certificate. I have also passed the Bond Solon Civil Procedure Rules for Expert Witnesses Certificate (in 2010), the Bond Solon Masterclass in Report Writing and Masterclass in Court Appearance (both in June 2012), Professional Solutions on Successful Communication at Expert Meetings and Preparation for Giving Evidence (June 2014) and Professional Solutions Writing Experts (Advanced) Course (March 2015).
Academy of Experts; The Expert Witness Institute